Secret Injections?

Parents in Australia are clearly upset today after revelations that the government and Prime Minister Scott Morrison engaged in a secret vaccination program in public and private schools for kids under 18 years of age.

Since March, the program called “Shot Callers” woudl routinely walk by with injectors that could pierce a victim while walking by. School admins, teachers were all given pay raises and have been helping to vaccinate the masses without consent.

One parent Maggie O’Toole was clearly upset. “What if my kid turned gay from these shots? Who knows what genetic effect or microchip they have in these vaccines like they do in the USA”.

Lead genetics researcher Dr. Franklin Collado III with a PDh from Freeport University in the US says: “We’ve had great success in Australia, parents should not be worried. We only had a few instances where the gay gene was activated but it’s minor. We’ll be able to monitor it once vaccinated”.

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