
In what could lead the way to normalcy for the world and a possible noble prize for the lead doctor involved, a small San Fernando based lab has created a treatment and preventive medicine that is curing and preventing all corona virus family illnesses… including all SARS2 Covid variants. The clinical trials have shown a 99.8% effectiveness in both prevention and treatment.

Nature Always Wins

Lead scientist and researcher Dr. Manuel Dingos out of the Center for Rectal Studies (a Biden sanctioned government lab), has shown that nature is where we can find our answers when battling illnesses related to these family of viruses.

“It’s remarkable that the natural and raw methods always win against synthetic or chemical base creations” says Dr. Dingos

Currently, the administration of the corona virus treatment is applied naturally and directly through the rectal cavity. A few pumps of this for about 10 minutes clears up your body thoroughly leaving some slight soreness and temporary pain.

Subjects can usually walk out of treatment centers after an hour.

Pictured below is the natural beef injectors that work the magic and How to Apply this treatment rectally.

Treatment & Application


Note: Slight pain may last a few days after administering treatment

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